With the departure of Dr. Linda Ammari from the community, CCMH has purchased patient records from ABC Pediatrics. All copies of records that were ready to pick up at the ABC Pediatrics office can now be picked up at CCMH. Patients or guarantors requesting copies of records from ABC Pediatrics should contact Medical Records at 307.688.1301 or come by the department to sign an authorization.
Phone requests require written authorization at the time of pickup. Requests may take up to 10 business days to complete. There is no cost for the first copy of the records, but each additional copy will be $0.15 per page.
Patients may receive the records in digital format (PDF) on a CD and should consider the type of records they require. For example, CCMH keeps records of Lab and
Radiology visits for all patients, and can provide copies of those records if needed. Records from ABC Pediatrics contain physician notes from
clinic visits. Medical Records staff can assist patients with questions on the type of records they may require.
For more information, contact Medical Records at 307.688.1301.