Throughout the summer, Pioneer Manor residents participated in growing a variety of plants in a community garden facilitated by
Dr. Bernadette Meade. Items residents grew included beans, eggplant, tomatoes and zucchini.
Recently, residents harvested the zucchini, made bread and even were left with 79 bags of grated zucchini afterward! Pioneer Manor staff, residents and family served as official taste testers for the zucchini bread.
Activity Aide Marla Russell said the experience of harvesting the zucchini and making the bread engaged resident’s five senses and even awakened memories.
“For example, as the residents held the zucchini to clean, peel and grate, it awakened the sense of touch. As they read the recipe and measured the ingredients for homemade zucchini bread, they enhanced their cognition working as a team,” Marla said. “They shared memories of the past about baking and gardening.” Marla also mentioned that for one resident, it was the opportunity to make a new memory, as she had never baked before.
Pioneer Manor Administrator mentioned that residents will soon be harvesting tomatoes and are thinking of making a salsa, tomato bisque or even a sauce with the bounty.
Staff and residents at the Manor would also like to thank Dr. Meade for bringing the community garden idea to life for the residents. It sure has been a delight.