Consider these preventative tests for your health

May 11, 2016

Benjamin Franklin once said, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." I believe this statement holds especially true when applied to your health, and reflects the actions that we all generally know we should be taking.

Another wise man, Nicholas Ling said, "Ignorance is voluntary misfortune." As a health coach, I find great meaning in this quote, for we lack motivation to change our health if we are unaware of it and we are likely to continue along the same (possibly destructive) path without knowing change is needed.

A critical step in change is learning. Every adult should have blood tests and regular checkups with their physician to assess their wellbeing, and learn what changes may be needed to improve or maintain their overall health. Just as men and women are unique, their blood screening tests are different, too.

According to The Men's Health Network both men and women should have testing for cholesterol, diabetes, kidney and thyroid dysfunction before symptoms occur. As women reach the age of menopause, they may also consider having their FSH or estrogen hormones checked. Men may wish to have testosterone levels checked.

healthCHECK+ helps you know important health numbers
The old saying goes, "Knowledge is power," and in Gillette, our community is blessed to have access to low cost blood draw screenings, available every weekday! CCH Wellness offers healthCHECK+, daily blood draws to the public without a doctor's order, much like a health fair event. As mentioned previously, some of the benefits of having your blood drawn and analyzed annually include:

  • monitoring your blood sugars that relate to diabetes
  • knowing your thyroid function can help to evaluate your metabolic function, and relates to many of your body's systems
  • evaluating your cholesterol regularly helps to assess your risk of heart disease and stroke
  • if you take medications regularly, it can be wise to monitor your kidney and liver functions
  • knowing if you are deficient in minerals like iron or calcium can lead to prevention of osteoporosis, anemia and even help you to improve your overall energy

All this information and more can be gained by having a simple blood draw with healthCHECK+! This service is available Monday-Friday from 6-11 am at 1901 Energy Court, first floor, located behind Wendy's. Results are mailed directly to your home in just a few days as well. Walk-ins are welcome or request an appointment online at

Did you know that May and June are National Men’s and Women’s Health Months? During May and June, Wellness is offering: healthCHECK plus Male and Female blood screening panels for only $55. This discounted price also includes a free body fat calculation. Simply print this coupon to receive the discount when you come in for a blood test at healthCHECK+!

Remember: Knowing is half the health battle! For more information on health numbers you should know, check out nine health numbers every woman should know by Markham Heid published on Prevention.

Have Questions?
Campbell County Health's Wellness Services works to reduce health risks and promote overall wellness among employee groups and individuals across the northeastern Wyoming region. To learn more about Wellness, please visit or call 307.688.8051.

This blog was written by Rachel Wilde CPT, MA, CCH Wellness Services Technician and Phlebotomist

Categories: Wellness