Getting active at any age

May 15, 2019

An active lifestyle does not have an age limit. As we age, it’s quite common for us to start slowing down and live a more sedentary life; but the more we do that, the harder it becomes to stay active.

The truth is, there is never a wrong time to start regular exercise; it just depends on how you do it. Running a marathon is not the way to start for most, but by slowly becoming active, you can improve your mobility, your strength and your overall quality of life.

What to keep in mind when starting your workout later in life:

Think Low Impact
With any new form of exercise, you’ll want to start off slow. Low impact workouts can help you stretch your muscles and joints without the extra stress. If you suffer from joint damage, pain or injury, you’ll want to talk with your doctor about the best workout for you.

Consider Water Workouts
One of the best workouts for seniors is water aerobics. It can give you your daily cardio without the stress on your joints. The buoyancy of the water helps you move more freely, allowing you to do more and tire out less.

Build Up Muscle
As you age, your muscle mass decreases, especially if you live a sedentary lifestyle. The best way to prevent or stop this is through strength training. If you’ve already started to notice a decrease in muscle mass, it’s not too late to work on regaining it. It just might require some physical therapy and some dietary changes.

Consider Sports Medicine
You don’t have to be a pro athlete or have an injury to take advantage of sports medicine. Not only can sports medicine help fix athletic injuries, but it can also help you prevent them.

If an injury is preventing you from becoming more active, Power River Orthopedics & Spine (PROS) is here to help in Gillette, Wyoming. We can evaluate your options, so you can rest assure that you get the best possible outcome and are back to your daily routine in no time.

To enjoy an active and healthy life at any age, call the PROS at 307.686.1413 or visit to learn more.

PROS is a Campbell County Medical Group Clinic with Campbell County Health.