Winter Lung Health

Nov 11, 2019

The cold winter months can lead to several colds and illnesses. Beyond getting your flu shot, there are several daily steps you should take each winter to keep yourself healthy and disease-free. Many of these are especially crucial for those who are prone to respiratory issues.

With more time spent indoors, the chance for illness tends to rise. Not to mention, when the weather is cold and the air dry, viruses stick around longer. So here’s how you can protect your lungs:

Keep a Healthy Routine

Now more than ever, you should wash your hands often. Cover your nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing, and on cold days, cover both with a scarf. Cold and dry air can lead to airway irritation and trigger asthma and COPD symptoms. Bundle in layers when going outdoors, exercise when possible, and avoid cigarette smoke.

Avoid Outdoor Activities

If you live with asthma or COPD, you’ll want to avoid doing any workouts or strenuous activities on cold days. Move workout indoors if you can, and on milder days, if you do plan to go for a run, remember to breathe through your nose, not your mouth.

Keep Your Medication Near

No matter what time of year it is, if you have an inhaler, it should always be nearby. Keeping it close will make it easier to regulate breathing if need be.

Avoid Large Crowds

Illness is easily spread in tight quarters, so try to avoid too many events indoors or in crowded spaces when you can. If you can’t, avoid touching anything and wash your hands often. If you happen to feel under the weather, stay home until you are feeling better. By going out in public when sick, you put those around you at risk, too.

If you find yourself coughing or dealing with mild asthma symptoms, the Walk-in Clinic in Gillette, Wyoming, is here to help.

We can provide you with the personal and quality care you need. Save your spot in line or walk-in today! Learn more at