Customer service matters to CCMH

May 02, 2014




Awesome Experience.

Those are some of the words I love to hear at CCMH when it comes to the service we provide to our community. Whether at a restaurant, the dry cleaners, or Disneyland, we each want a great experience—and we want the product or service for which we paid. Customer service is important no matter where you go; but I can say that it's very important to us at CCMH.

I hope our patients and residents always feel like they receive great care at CCMH’s facilities. The term “always” is important because it means that we are delivering excellent patient and resident care every day, every time.

The federal government, through the agency of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services—otherwise known as CMS in medical jargon—judges CCMH and all of our entities as well as all other hospitals in the nation based on a very defined customer-service process. It is our intent to help our employees, patients, visitors and public understand the importance of the surveys. Often times, I think the surveys are seen as a nuisance, and I understand this because there are times when I don't like being bothered at night at home, either. However, on at least a couple of levels, these surveys are very important to CCMH.

For one, CCMH uses these scores is simply to improve our customer service so that every time you interact with us you’re receiving great care, and that you’re always satisfied with that care. In the future, when you receive a call from HealthStream, CCMH’s customer service survey team, we hope you’ll take the time to be very honest and forthright with them, and we hope our performance will be reflected in the scores that you give us. As your local healthcare organization, we want you to choose us; it is a privilege to serve the people of Campbell County, Wyoming.

The other is that CMS uses these scores to rate the hospital and is starting to base payment to our facility based on these scores. Therefore, we hope that our patients always feel like they are receiving great care from us because that's exactly what the federal government wants to see us deliver to our patients—great care every time, or in other words “always”. As a patient, when you are called at home about your hospital experience or your experience in one of our clinics such as the Emergency Room, I hope you will take the time to think about the care that was delivered to you. Sure, it's important to CCMH to receive very high scores and that you let us know that you're happy with the care you received; but it’s equally important that we receive accurate feedback, so that we can continue to improve.

Your patient experience with CCMH matters to me, and I want you to know that we want to hear your stories, good and bad. We have an amazing Patient and Guest Services Department that handles this information and you can reach them at 307.688.1530. We hope to hear from you.
