Nine tips to help you "move it" from home!

Jan 26, 2016

Are you planning to work out from home this year?

Working out at home can be a challenge when dishes are piled in the sink, there is laundry to be folded, and don't forget the latest episode of Duck Dynasty that's on your TV (or DVR)!

Success can be found for those who remain dedicated to their health plan and have fun. The following are a few tips that could help you be more effective as you work out at home and stay motivated and accountable through the entire year.

  1. Make a plan. Be sure that you have set small, achievable and specific goals for yourself. For example, “I will work out for 15 minutes, two days for two weeks. Then 15 minutes for three days/week. I will continue to add time every two weeks until I reach 30 minutes.”
  2. Find an exercise you enjoy. Finding the exercise routine that you enjoy is huge. Exercise should feel like fun, not work. Think back to the exercise routines that have worked for you in the past, or pursue something new that you have never tried before. If you don’t like it, try another activity.
  3. Find exercise you can follow. Check YouTube for a wide variety of exercise. I did a quick search and found videos on beginner workouts, workouts specifically for women, African and Brazilian dance videos, Zumba, body weight exercise, abs and more. There is truly something for everyone! Or, perhaps sign up to Daily Burn, and stream it to your TV.
  4. Use an app. There are fitness apps for every purpose now. You can track your diet, your exercise, learn how to exercise, plan out your next 5k, up to a full marathon. Check out this article from Greatest for some ideas, The 49 Best Health and Fitness Apps of 2015
  5. Utilize an online community. Blogs can be a great resource. You can find tips, recipes encouragement and support to help you maintain your motivation as well as find fitness buddies!
  6. Be efficient. One of the hottest fitness trends is leaning toward shorter, very challenging, but more effective workouts. Look into some of the most popular plans- there are seven-minute workouts, Tabata training, interval options and many more. These work outs focus on working smarter and harder, not longer and make the most of your time you have.
  7. Make activity a game! There are now a plethora of online fitness games or Apps that are intended to entertain as well as improve your health. Some of the more popular ones track your fitness activity and you earn “rewards” or points as part of the game as you reach specific milestones. The most popular ones are “Zombies, Run!” and “Fitocracy”.
  8. Exercise, or pay up. Money is a huge motivation. The CCH Well Life Squad, CCH's employee wellness group, just sponsored a hugely successful program, The Healthy Wage Challenge. Not only did CCH participate, the City of Gillette also participated and had great results. There are many programs that individuals can participate, including Pact, Diet Bet etc. These wage challenges offer accountability through offering financial incentives to those who successfully lose or maintain weight or activity.
  9. Hire an online personal trainer. Another highly successful fitness trend is online personal training. Trainers utilize services such as Facetime and interact with their clients via email, text and video. Often this service is more affordable because no gym membership is required. In addition, training from home offers a different environment than a gym and allows the comfort and privacy of your own living room!

Make 2016 the year you take a more active role in your own healthcare with healthcheck+ lab tests and screenings. These are available Monday-Friday from 6-11 am at 1901 Energy Court, located behind Wendy's. Learn your cholesterol numbers, check your thyroid function and much more, at an affordable cost with results mailed directly to your home in just a few days. Walk-ins are welcome or request an appointment online at

For more tips like these, be sure to see a CCH Health Coach who can help you accomplish your goals and live your healthiest life!

Have Questions?
Campbell County Health's Wellness Services works to reduce health risks and promote overall wellness among employee groups and individuals across the northeastern Wyoming region. To learn more about Wellness, please visit or call 307.688.8051.

This blog was written by Rachel Wilde CPT, MA, CCH Wellness Services Technician and Phlebotomist