Health Coach Keeps Individuals On Track During the Holidays

Nov 07, 2016

Competing in a Mud Run a few years ago was a wake-up call for JC Sanchez. That race, coupled with a recent blood test would serve as a catalyst for JC to make some changes in his life. In his 40s with high triglycerides, blood pressure and cholesterol, JC turned to his colleagues at Campbell County Health Wellness to help him improve his health.

CCH Wellness JC SanchezA phlebotomist at Wellness, JC signed up to meet with a CCH heath coach to start his life-changing process.

“We set goals,” JC said. “They help me out by giving me the encouragement I needed to change.”

During the past two years, JC has changed his exercise routine, eating habits and overall health. A year ago he even decided it was time to quit smoking.

“I started doing a lot of running and a lot of cardio,” JC said. “At first I could barely run a mile.”

CCH JC Sanchez WellnessNow two years later, JC is seeing positive changes in his life.

“Now I can do at least six miles without stopping,” JC said. “Now I get a better release from running than I ever did from a cigarette. I feel amazing. I’ve lost 30 pounds and it’s a big relief to not carry extra weight around.”

During the holidays is always especially challenging for JC, who has two sons living in Nebraska and doesn’t get to spend as much time with them as he’d like during that time of year. The holiday funk really impacts JC’s workout routine and eating habits.

“It’s when I tend to not want to work out and want to eat a lot,” JC said. “My hardest part for me is watching what I eat.”

Recognizing that the holidays are a challenging time of year for him, JC leans on his health coach even more to help him avoid unhealthy foods and keep up his exercise routine.

“I have to make myself be active and get up and do something,” JC said.

CCH Wellness Health Coach Brittney BunneyHealth coach Brittney Bunney said she typically has people schedule an extra coaching session during the holiday season, just to help them navigate the sometimes difficult challenges of maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine during the holidays.

“Holidays are always tough,” Brittney said. “Some people ask for an extra meeting for the accountability for the holidays.”

With holiday parties, family gatherings and a large abundance of sweets and baked goods around that time of year, Brittney said it can be difficult for people to stay on track with their health goals. Brittany said people can help maintain their healthy eating habits and exercise routine by bringing vegetables or fruit to a party or adding a few minutes extra to daily exercise routines.

“We try to focus on moderation,” Brittney said. “I encourage people to have different sides on their plate that include fruits or vegetables.”

Whether it’s trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle during the holidays or just making health improvements any other time of year, a health coach can help individuals make small changes that lead to big results.

“If you want to make a change in your life, a health coach can help,” JC said. “With the holidays and stress with the economy, a health coach would be beneficial.”

Have Questions?

Campbell County Health's Wellness works to reduce health risks and promote overall wellness among employee groups and individuals across the northeastern Wyoming region. To learn more about Wellness, please visit or call 307.688.8051.

Article written by Kim Phagan-Hansel, Wyoming freelance writer

Categories: Patient Care, Wellness