This month from the Kid Clinic: The benefits of self-care

Apr 10, 2017

We go through life juggling the responsibilities of daily living: waking up, eating, going to work, cleaning the house, taking care of children, and going to bed. We each have our own family routines that repeat day in and day out, sometimes with a bit of a twist depending on others moods and the events that lie ahead for the day. Why do we put so much pressure on ourselves to make sure everything in our lives run perfectly?

The routines in our life help us with structure, stability, and knowing what lies ahead. At times, we can become overwhelmed, anxious, depressed, burnt out, and spiteful with the ins and outs of our daily responsibilities. This may cause us to have little want or desire to do the things we normally love, such as being with our families, enjoying our hobbies, and going to work. So what can we do to help ourselves to regain our lives back? I have one suggestion: Take time for you!

It is hard, we might feel selfish, but I think you should be selfish. Your children, friends, spouses, family, neighbors, and strangers depend on you to be healthy for you to better help others.

Below are five areas that we need to focus on to help you be a better you:

  • Live healthy. Be sure to eat healthy foods, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly.
  • Practice good hygiene. Good hygiene is important for social, medical, and psychological reasons.
  • See friends. This will help you build your sense of belonging.
  • Try to do something you enjoy every day. This could be dancing, watching a favorite TV show, or reading.
  • Find ways to relax. Take up Pilates, yoga, get a massage, or enjoy a soak in a bubble bath.

When we focus on ourselves and take time to improve our physical, mental, and emotional state we then our able to focus on the world around us positively. We are grounded to make healthier and smarter choices, live longer, be happier, have a sound mind, and reduce our stress levels.

I’ll leave you with the wise words of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh:

Go back and take care of yourself. Your body needs you, your feelings need you, your perceptions need you.

The Campbell County Medical Group Kid Clinic is a school-based pediatric clinic offering medical care and counseling services for Campbell County students in pre-kindergarten through 12th grade and their siblings ages 2 weeks and up. It is located at 800 Butler Spaeth Rd., across from St. Matthew’s Catholic Church. The Kid Clinic is open Monday-Friday from 8 am-5 pm. For more information, call 307-688-8700 or visit The Kid Clinic is a collaborative effort between Campbell County Health and Campbell County School District.

This blog was written by Anne K. Carlsen, PCSW, Kid Clinic Counselor