Springtime can leave some down in the dumps

Mar 09, 2018

As the beginning of spring, March 20, comes closer, many people experience things that may trigger mental health episodes. Most people look forward to the longer days, warmer weather, and new life that seem to abound in the spring time. However change, even good change, can be difficult for people who experience anxiety and other mental health issues.

There are the changes in your brain chemistry—like melatonin—that has to adapt to a different level of “normal” with this change in longer days. This could mean that your sleep patterns change, making you feel more melancholy and experience lower moods.

Allergies are another issue that many forget about when spring time rolls around. If you suffer from seasonal allergies, like I do, this can be a hard adjustment. Those who suffer from allergies sneeze more often, have to take medicine that they hadn’t in the last nine months, and experience congestion and sinus issues as well. Combine that with depression or anxiety, it can become miserable.

Those who suffer from anxiety may worry and stress about these changes, or even small events that normally do not bother them. Spring signals the end of the school year and summer plans start, making anxiety a bigger issue for many people.

Depression can make people feel lethargic, unmotivated, and overall make moods very low. Those who suffer from this may appear less excited for spring and the activities they normally enjoy.

If you notice that you are struggling with any of these issues, reach out to someone you trust. School counselors, pastors, mentors, and mental health professionals are all people that you can turn to if the struggle continues. Sometimes letting another person know that you are anxious, depressed, or even just upset about these changes can help you start feeling better.

To those who do not struggle with anxiety or mental health issues, please look out for those you care for, and if you notice they are not themselves, please ask them how they are doing.

Brianne Wooldridge is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) in the Campbell County Medical Group Kid Clinic. The Kid Clinic is a school-based pediatric clinic offering medical care for Campbell County students in pre-kindergarten through 12th grade and their siblings’ ages 2 weeks and up; and counseling services for children 4 years to 21 years. It is located at 800 Butler Spaeth Rd., across from St. Matthew’s Catholic Church. The Kid Clinic is open Monday-Friday from 8 am-5 pm. For more information, call 307-688-8700 or visit www.cchwyo.org/kidclinic. The Kid Clinic is a collaborative effort between Campbell County Health and Campbell County School District.