The link between exercise and mental health

May 14, 2019

It’s no surprise that a regular workout routine is good for your physical health, but it also has an impact on your mental health. From being a stress reliever to an overall mood booster, regular exercise can help you generally feel well. So here are just a few of the ways regular exercise impacts your mental health:

Workouts Can Helps Regulate Sleep
With daily physical activity, you reduce stress and tire your body out. When you schedule your workouts earlier in the day, your body temperature rises, and when it drops, it later triggers sleepiness and could reset your sleep cycle. This process can lead to more solid sleep and less restless nights. The better you sleep, the better you feel mentally and physically.

Exercise Can Give You a Daily Goal
Having a task to tackle can give you a feeling of purpose. Finishing that task can give you a sense of determination. This daily motivation can improve your mood and give you something to work toward day-after-day.

Working Out Boosts Your Energy
Ever hear the term “runner’s high?” That term is the feeling you get from a release of endorphins, a natural hormone your body produces to give you energy. With regular workouts, your endorphin levels can increase, leading to a more energy-charged day!

It Can Relieve Muscle Tension
Sitting all day and not using your muscles can lead to some extra tension and stiffness throughout your entire body. A sedentary life can do a lot to you, physically and mentally. When you regularly warm and work out your muscles, you can reduce tension and feel more relaxed.

Is joint pain ruining your quality of life? Power River Orthopedics & Spine (PROS) is here to help in Gillette, Wyoming. We can evaluate your options, so you can rest assure that you get the best possible outcome and are back to your daily routine in no time.

To enjoy an active and healthy life at any age, call the PROS at 307.686.1413 or visit to learn more.

PROS is a Campbell County Medical Group Clinic with Campbell County Health.