Experienced cath lab manager joins CCH team

Jul 07, 2016

New Cath Lab Manager Lorraine Maass, RN, wasn’t really looking to move to Wyoming. She had just put her resume on an online recruitment site when she was contacted by Campbell County Health. Lorraine thought that participating in a phone interview would be good practice for the future, but was impressed enough to come out for an interview. After living in Virginia for 20 years she accepted the position in the Cath Lab and moved to Gillette at the end of March.

Lorraine has nine years of experience working in a cardiac catheterization lab, and lots of critical care experience before that. She’s not worried about being so far away from her roots, and says that any job is what you make of it, whether it’s in the big city or in ‘the middle of nowhere’.

She’s excited about the opportunity to manage a cath lab, and is very impressed by the caliber of the staff and physicians.

For those who don’t know, the cath lab is where cardiologists like Dr. Sairav Shah and Dr. Nicholas Stamato can diagnose and treat heart conditions using catheters instead of surgery. Many different procedures can be done in the cath lab instead of an operating room.

“They really stepped in when the previous manager left,” said Lorraine. “The Cath Lab is a great service for the community. Some of the patients that have been treated here would probably have died otherwise.”

Lorraine and her brand new German shepherd puppy, Cowboy, are looking forward to traveling around Wyoming this summer when friends come to visit from back east. She enjoys cooking in her spare time, and trying new recipes with the help of Blue Apron, a subscription service that provides recipes and fresh ingredients delivered to your home.

“Lorraine brings great experience and new ideas to the department,” said Deb Tonn, Vice President of Patient Care Services. “We’re lucky to bring someone to Gillette to build on the progress that’s already been made with our Cardiac Cath lab.”

Welcome to Gillette, Lorraine. We’re happy to have you on our team.