Wright Junior Senior School seniors and
Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) members Shawna Banks and Cynthia Reyes learned how to knit and
crochet in their Family Consumer Science class, and decided to turn their
lesson into a way to pay it forward.
They coordinated with fellow students and handmade hats for preemie and
newborn babies born at
Campbell County Memorial Hospital (CCMH). CCMH
Maternal Child Nurses Lindsey and Steffany and Gillette College nursing student Shawn
were excited for the hats.
“Parents love getting these cute handmade hats for their babies and
we like to give them away,” was Steffany’s response when the
girls carried in two totes full of hats.
Let’s give these Wright High School students a great big round of
applause for their generosity!