CCMH Perception Survey Findings

May 21, 2014

In February 2014, Campbell County Health (CCMH) completed a public perception survey with consultant Jet Marketing to gain insight into how community members perceive the hospital and the services offered. The Board of Trustees and leadership also wanted to gauge the community’s awareness of CCMH and clinic services.

Survey objectives were to:

  • Determine community satisfaction with CCMH
  • Gauge the public’s perception and knowledge of CCMH
  • Learn why people choose CCMH
  • Measure the awareness of specific services
  • Understand the public’s healthcare preferences

Some 542 people took the survey, which is roughly 1.9% of the total population of Gillette. This number is statistically significant, in that we can say with a 95 percent confidence rate, that the entire population would answer the questions the same way, plus or minus 4.17 percent (margin of error).

Overall, results point to a public that is satisfied with the care and services CCMH provides. There are some calls for improvement in certain areas and expansion of services, but in general, people are happy with CCMH and its related facilities. It is also true, in general, that people are aware of most services the hospital offers and the facilities it runs. Not surprisingly, people value skilled and friendly caregivers—even above technological advances and convenience, and most people are satisfied with their physicians and nurses.

The findings will be helpful in future hospital planning. Most importantly, results will be used to continue to improve patient care and better serve the community. Hospital leaders are committed to improving services and patient experience, as is evident in their current work with the Studer Group--an international organization that helps hospitals and healthcare groups achieve exceptional outcomes for patients.

Findings are available to download here (PDF).