Cancer patients, survivors create art at AVA one night a month

Aug 23, 2017

Every third Wednesday of the month, Campbell County Health’s Heptner Cancer Center pays for cancer patients who are currently in, or recently completed, treatment to attend an art night at the AVA Community Art Center. On those nights, participants paint canvases, ornaments or even ceramic plates to help them boost their spirits, according to Leigh Worsley, MS, RTT, CMD, Heptner Cancer Center Director and Radiation Physicist.

“We felt like it was a great opportunity to give our patients a night out to enjoy some paint therapy and support each other,” says Leigh.

Heptner Cancer Center cancer patient, survivor art night at AVA Community Art CenterParticipants at the first evening of art had a blast painting a dandelion seed puff ball on canvas. AVA provided light refreshments, and participants were also encouraged to bring a favorite beverage of choice.

Overall, the program is part of the Wyoming Cancer Resource Services Program, funded by the Wyoming Department of Health and Integrated Cancer Services Program. This program also allows residents from Campbell, Crook, Johnson and Sheridan counties have access to the Cancer Resource Center in the Heptner Cancer Center in Gillette, which is staffed by Kim Nelson. Kim visits patients one-on-one at the Center to help them learn about their specific cancer and how to navigate choices and treatments, and gain access to cancer screenings, wigs, books, education materials, gas cards for travel to out-of-town cancer treatments, and much more. Call Kim directly at 888.684.4550 for more information and to set up a time to meet at the Cancer Resource Center.

To learn more about the Cancer Resource Center, or the Heptner Cancer Center in Gillette, Wyoming, visit