CCH to participate in RAK Week

Feb 06, 2018

During the week of February 11-17, 2018, the world celebrates Random Acts of Kindness Week (RAK Week). Here in Wyoming, residents are encouraged to make a BIG ripple effect of kindness throughout the state.

In the inaugural Random Acts of Kindness Week effort in 2017, there were more than 25 schools, 20 businesses, six cities, and hundreds of individuals collectively complete more than 30,000 random acts of kindness in Wyoming!

Join Kindness Wyoming during RAK Week 2018 to make an even bigger impact of kindness throughout the state. Governor Mead has challenged businesses, cities, schools and individuals to complete 307 acts of kindness throughout the week.

Campbell County Health is up for the challenge, and is striving to show that all of CCH can complete 307 random actions of kindness!

What will you and your organization do?

If you're looking for some ideas, check out some of the links below:

The Science of Kindness Random Act of Kindness Week 2018