Join the Conversation: Patient and Family Advisory Council

Oct 15, 2019

One of the ways Campbell County Health involves patients, families and caregivers to help improve the patient experience is through the Patient and Family Advisory Council, or PFAC.

PFAC is a collaborative group of patients, families and caregivers serving on a volunteer advisory board to provide perspective and feedback on issues around care, safety, quality and service at CCH.

In addition to sharing information about their healthcare experiences, PFAC members:

  • serve on CCH committees and discussion groups
  • give input on healthcare policies, care practices and patient education materials
  • conduct surveys, evaluate marketing materials and perform secret shopping.

“The Secret Shopping that the PFAC community members completed at the Main Clinic provided so much valuable information for our staff," said Main Clinic Operational Supervisor Melainie Buer. “They really embraced hearing about the positives as well as the opportunities and it gave us a very relevant platform to entice change where needed while also reinforcing all that we are doing right! Their feedback was honest and invaluable!”

PFAC members are held to the same requirements as CCH employees, including privacy, infection prevention and vaccination. PFAC meets monthly in Gillette, Wyoming for 1.5-2 hours, and additional time may be required for some projects.

We are looking for new members to join PFAC and help improve our care and services. Call the Patient Experience department at 307-688-1530 or download and complete a volunteer application at

What is secret shopping?
Secret shopping provides direct patient feedback to a department or care area by having someone ‘shop’ for services as if they were a patient. Tasks like scheduling an appointment, talking with staff and providers, and other common processes can all benefit from another point of view to identify strengths and weaknesses. Information from secret shopping is reviewed with the department to improve care and services.

Advisory Boards
Advisory boards connect CCH with the community to improve the quality of care for patients and residents. All members are volunteers, and must complete the volunteer application process prior to serving.

  • Hospice Advisory Board
  • The Legacy Advisory Board
  • Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC)
  • Wright Advisory Board

Visit for specific information about each advisory board.

Categories: CCH News, Patient Care