Wellness Corner: Make your bottom your top priority

Aug 25, 2016

There is an old joke that debates which essential organ really runs the human body. The punchline really gets a laugh out of me, and the joke makes a pretty solid point. (Ask me sometime to tell it to you.)

All jokes aside, did you know that Colon Cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the U.S.? Assessing your risk of colon cancer with your doctor is an important step in maintaining your health as you age. All adults aged 50 and older with an average risk for developing colorectal cancer should have regular colorectal cancer screenings. Below are some of the ones you may have heard about, or should know about:

1. Guaiac Fecal Occult Blood tests (gFOBT) and fecal immunochemical testing (FIT or iFOBT) search for hidden blood in the stool. They are typically recommended annually. This screening is less invasive and can be done from the comfort of your home.

2. The Cologuard Kit is a stool DNA test that has been heavily advertised recently and requires a doctor’s prescription. This type of screening is recommended every three years. This screening is also less invasive and can be done from your home.

3. Colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy tests are performed by surgeons to detect polyps or cancer, and are recommended every five to 10 years. This test requires a lot of prep work before it is done.

If you are 50 and older, please consider discussing these tests with your doctor, and decide which test is right for you.

August is National Senior Citizens Month. CCH Wellness offers an iFOBT test, included with the Senior Wellness Panel. During the months of July, August and September, this panel will be offered for $75 and includes a bonus blood pressure screening. Learn more at www.cchwyo.org/hcplus.

Have Questions?

Campbell County Health's Wellness Services works to reduce health risks and promote overall wellness among employee groups and individuals across the northeastern Wyoming region. To learn more about Wellness, please visit www.cchwyo.org/Wellness or call 307.688.8051.

This blog was written by Rachel Wilde CPT, MA, CCH Wellness Services Technician and Phlebotomist