April 21-27 was National Medical Laboratory Professionals Week, an annual celebration of the lab professionals and pathologists who play a vital role in every aspect of health care. Since they often work behind the scenes, few people know about the critical testing they perform every day.
Lab professionals perform and evaluate medical laboratory tests that correctly detect, diagnose, and help prevent diseases, thus saving countless lives every day. The CCMH Lab staff is either certified Phlebotomy Technicians or Medical Technicians/Technologists. The key word here is certified – all have undergone specialized training to provide the services they provide.
To give you an idea, the Lab staff took care of 32,468 CBC tests, and 12,665 wellness profiles in the past year. Overall, the Lab conducted more than 935,860 tests, which was a 14 percent growth over 2011.
For more information on the CCMH Lab and the tests they conduct, visit
To see more photos from National Laboratory Professionals Week, check out our Facebook album at