It’s your last chance to get tickets to the
Black Cat Ball, which takes place Friday, September 20 at CAM-PLEX Energy Hall. Tickets
are $125 per person. Contact Nachelle at 307.688.6235 or email nachelle.mcgrath@ccmh.net.
Below are this year’s Outstanding Healthcare Award Nominees, along
with a description about them. Enjoy!
Alice Bratton, Retired Nurse and Healthcare Volunteer
Alice began her career by being one of the first individuals to graduate
with a Master’s of Nursing in 1960. Alice was appointed as a nursing
faculty at Gillette Campus School of Nursing in 1986. Since her retirement
in 1995 she has continued to contribute to the growth and development of
Gillette College by serving as Chair of the Nursing Advisory Committee, member of the College
Advisory Board and member of the Campus Master Planning Committee. Alice
also served on the
Children’s Developmental Services of Campbell County (CDS-CC) Board for 12 years. Her advocacy for health issues for young
children was invaluable. When Alice first began her partnership with CDS-CC
in the 1990’s, she developed a program for future nurses to participate
in a “hands on” class at CDS-CC to experience child development.
Alice has advocated and lobbied for nursing and healthcare issues throughout
her career and life.
Vicki Wood, Sports Screening Volunteer
Vicki began what is now the
Sports Screening program when her kids were in junior football and the cost of 2 doctor visits
was not cheap. This year marks the 21st year that Vicki has been a crucial
part of the success of the Sports Screening program, a partnership with
Campbell County Health,
Campbell County Healthcare Foundation,
Campbell County School District and local physicians. She does the bookkeeping, purchases supplies and
works with the training dept. to select the scholarship recipients. Sports
Screenings has provided scholarships to two students a year for the past
20 years, and given funds to purchase equipment for Junior Football, CCHS,
SVJH, TSJH and Wright Jr. Sr. HS. Her children are grown now and she’s
no longer involved in Junior Football. Vicki has been the backbone, rarely
missing a screening date. Vicki has never sought any recognition for herself
and has always supported the goal of making participation in sports accessible
to any and all children.
Dr. Nathan Simpson, Orthopedic Surgeon
Dr. Nathan Simpson is an extremely generous, knowledgeable and skilled orthopedic spine surgeon
in the community. Dr. Simpson is always willing to answer questions and
is always helpful and respectful to the nurses. There are many times when
Dr. Simpson is not on call, but is willing to come in on holidays and
weekends to perform a 5 hour emergency spine surgery so the patient to
could remain in our community and not be transferred somewhere else. Dr.
Simpson has been the sole sponsor for the Nurses Day 5K race for the last
four years. He supports many local and national foundations and charities.
Dr. Simpson also developed a surgical instrument to be used in spine surgery
and even got a patent on it. He is very skilled and huge supporter of
the community.
Jessica Salvatore-Perez, State Coordinator, Wyoming Comprehensive Cancer
Control Program
Jessica is known as the “go-to” person in cancer prevention, early
detection, treatment and palliative care and state policy endeavors. She
oversaw the creation of Wyoming’s first childhood cancer camp, Camp
Courage. It is Jessica’s compassion and empathy for the children
of Wyoming diagnosed with this terrible illness that drove her to make
her dream of a free childhood cancer camp into the continuing reality
that is Camp Courage today. After two years of engaging volunteers, working
with Oncologists and Hematologists, developing a program, designing fundraisers,
engaging corporate sponsors and recruiting specialists, the summer of
2012 Camp Courage welcomed 10 families where they received support, oncology
counseling and offers relaxing and fun entertainment for the child and
their families. Ten more families attended in August of this year. Camp
Courage was well beyond her usual job requirements and could only be a
success from her time, dedication and passion.
Dr. Roger Jordan, Optometrist, Gillette Optometric Clinic
Dr. Roger Jordan has worked in Gillette for the past 32 years and has been instrumental
in providing Gillette and surrounding areas with the up most professional
eye care. Dr. Jordan has served as the President of the Wyoming Optometric
Association, President of the Wyoming Board of Examiners, is currently
the Chairman of the Federal Regulation Committee for Optometry in Washington
DC. Not only is Dr. Jordan a professional leader, he has spent countless
hours to philanthropy. He was one of the founding members of Gillette
Energy Rotary (noon club), served on the Gillette Jaycees, Campbell County
Chamber of Commerce and served on the board of the Prince of Peace Lutheran Church.
Dr. Robert Barrelman, Dentist, Powder River Dental
Dr. Robert Barrelman demonstrates long-standing commitment and generosity to Gillette and Campbell
County every day. Dr. Barrelman cares for his patients through his high
quality dental work. He has gone above and beyond his dental education.
He has served on several community boards such as the
Campbell County Public Health and
Gillette Rotary for over 20 years. He is also a member of the
Chamber of Commerce and a heavy supporter of United Way.
Jonni Belden, Administrator, Pioneer Manor
Jonni has took 23 years of nursing and combined it with her newly obtained
Nursing Home Administrator’s license accomplishment and began to
revive the community of
Pioneer Manor. In her short time as Pioneer Manor administrator, Jonni implemented an
annual memorial service to remember residents who’ve passed within
the previous year, she spearheaded an annual caregivers conference and
played an intricate role in the admission, dismissal process. Her leadership
and quality of care has improved the lives of the residents immensely.
Jonni has a natural ability to live, speak and encourage a candid culture,
this new culture is refreshing and has been an irreplaceable tool with
building her team at Pioneer Manor.
Peter Edis, Executive Director, Behavioral Health Services – Campbell
County Health
Peter is dedicated professional development. In the past year he has achieved
fellow status in the American College of Healthcare Executives, was recently
elected President Elect to the Wyoming Association of Mental Health &
Substance Abuse Centers, honoring his commitment to bettering access to
mental health treatment. Peter is also involved in the
Council of Community Services, Campbell County Juvenile Drug Court & Juvenile Services Partnership,
Campbell County Suicide Prevention Coalition,
Campbell County Substance Abuse Advisory Council and Gillette Rotary. His most recent community contribution has been his
work with the Campbell County School District to plan, build, obtain funding
and implement at school based health care clinic.
Dr. Brooke England, Clinical Psychiatrist
Dr. England exhibits exemplary skills and leadership when it comes to
training and improving services to the community. Dr. England has improved
many relationships with other community service agencies such as Department
of Family Services, State and Federal Probation & Parole, County Attorney’s
Office, Fire Department and Sheriff’s Department in order to provide
the best services to people in need. She has been known to come in on
her day off to provide consultation. All of her contributions have resulted
in increased morale and camaraderie within the department.
Todd Gentzler, Physical Therapist, North Platte Physical Therapy
Todd Gentzler has practiced physical therapy for the last 19 years, owning his own business
for the last 13 years. Todd shows great leadership and motivates others
to be the best. Todd supports fundraisers for MS, and the Leukemia and
Lymphoma Society, as well as presents safety to coal mines and ergonomic
in-services for local offices. Todd leads internships to students and
takes on Campbell County School District mentor students. Todd is currently
studying to become an orthopedic certified specialist. Todd is a true
definition of leadership, dedication and community involvement.
Peggy Gray, volunteer, Campbell County Health
Peggy has been volunteering to the well-being of our community for the
last 15 years. She gives much of her time assisting in the
Professional Development, Infection Prevention and Employee Health Department of Campbell County Health, regularly visiting residents at Pioneer Manor
and as a retired nurse uses her skills to offer respite care to several
members of our community. She prepares meals, provides personal care and
transportation to give caregivers a much needed break. Peggy consistently
demonstrates her compassion for others in the community and her commitment to CCMH.
Julie Shock, Respiratory Therapist, Campbell County Health
Julie Shock has worked in her profession for over 30 years. In addition to being an
asset in her department, Julie has been actively involved in
Pilots for Christ for the last seven years and has served on their board for the last four.
Pilots for Christ is a volunteer, non-profit that provides free air transportation
for people in need. Julie is also a
Master Gardener and active in Gillette Women of Faith and
New Life Wesleyan Church.
Veronica Taylor, Director Infection Prevention, Campbell County Health
Veronica Taylor is a recognized leader in healthcare issues in Wyoming. She has served
Wyoming citizens and Wyoming nurses as President of the Wyoming State
Board of Nursing (2 terms) and President of the Wyoming Nurses Association.
She is also a member of the Center for American Nurses and currently a
board member of the Wyoming Center for Nursing and Healthcare and Gillette
College Board. Veronica is also known for providing valuable information
to state and federal legislators. In addition, to her career, Veronica
has been a 4H and wrestling mom. She has also been on the Hospice of CCMH
Advisory Board and served as the liaison to the Campbell County Healthcare
Foundation. Veronica also supports Black Cat Ball,
Festival of Trees, March of Dimes and the
Close to Home Hospice Hospitality House.
Rachel Wilde, Personal Trainer, CCMH Wellness Department
Rachel Wilde is an inspiration to the community; she is a leader and shows true compassion
for others. Rachel is a motivator that not only will challenge her co-workers
and clients on a daily basis, but also challenges herself. Rachel is making
her town better by providing preventative maintenance for her clients.
Occupational Therapy Department, Campbell County Health
Patient testimony… Recently I was injured in a significant accident
that required long term occupational therapy. The therapists of this department
did an outstanding job taking care of me, giving me hope , encouragement,
listened, laughed and even cried with me. While in the midst of my rehabilitation,
a co-worker of theirs was in a horrific car accident. I saw firsthand
how this department coped and came together to support their fellow OT
and friend. In addition to their difficult time, this team began fundraisers
to help with their coworker with the enormous financial burden while away
receiving major medical attention. This department volunteered their time
to host a benefit run/walk as well as an benefit auction that same evening.
They are amazing at putting into practice what they so eloquently teach
to their patients – HOPE.
Gillette Optometric Clinic
All of the doctors and staff at
Gillette Optometric Clinic are dedicated to the health and well-being of their patients. They are
leaders in customer service and patient care with the largest optometric
clinic in the state of Wyoming. Gillette Optometric Clinic not only provides
the best customer services, but is also a leader in optometric state of
the art technology. GOC also instills compassion and dedication to all
their patients. “I had the privilege of working at GOC on my school
breaks and would always hear from patients what a great facility, what
caring doctors and the committed staff. It was the true definition of
a TEAM.”
Razor City Cancer Run Committee, Chad & Chris Nannemann
Ten years ago, Chad and Chris’s mother succumbed to cancer. They
soon learned that cancer is not only a hardship emotionally, but could
be financially devastating as well. A Cancer Run was soon started to assist
families with healthcare expenses related to cancer. The first year they
only raised a few hundred dollars, but with true dedication and a major
time commitment, the 2013 event brought in $38,000. It isn’t just
funding that makes this group so special. They work tirelessly year round
searching for sponsorship, donations and raffles. They do not get paid
for this job; they are strictly volunteers trying to make a difference
in people’s lives. The Razor City Cancer Run Committee is very deserving
, showing dedication and community spirit.