Caroline Baker beams as she talks about her new job as Pioneer Manor’s Resident and Family Relations Coordinator. This new position was created to build relationships with residents and families and assist the Pioneer Manor team in incorporating Excellence Every Day into all aspects of the care they provide.
Coordination with the Patient and Guest Relations Services at the Hospital is essential to ensure a consistent organizational approach to Service Excellence. Caroline will work closely with Mary Barks and Katie Percifield in identifying strategies and implementing them at Pioneer Manor.
Caroline began her journey with CCMH as a volunteer about a year ago, helping with Bingo and activities for residents and volunteering in the
Gift Shoppe and
Medical Records. Soon afterward she took the CNA training class and began work at Pioneer Manor.
“I call the residents my sunshine,” said Caroline. “It makes my day to be able to do something for them.”
It didn’t take Administrator Jonni Belden and Director of Nursing Barb Drapeaux long to see Caroline’s potential and believe she has an important role to play in improving resident satisfaction.
Caroline will soon start daily rounding on residents, with the goal of touching every resident each month. She visits with residents and families in impromptu settings as well, such as stopping to talk at mealtimes, or when passing the halls.
It was important to Jonni and Barb that the Resident and Family Coordinator understand the challenges of caring for the residents, so Caroline will continue to work monthly as a CNA.
“Caring for people is a really hard job,” said Caroline. “Everyone needs a good support system to do their job, and we have it here.”
According to Jonni, the development of the Coordinator position has been discussed for some time, as resident satisfaction is a priority. She thinks having a person specifically assigned to the resident experience will enhance what the Social Workers and all our employees are doing.
Caroline will eventually take over performing admission and discharge callbacks, the resident support group and the caregiver conference.
“She’s a germinator, spreading the seeds of Excellence Every Day throughout our facility,” said Jonni.