CCH Employees Join YES House Board
Congratulations to Mary Barks, Patient and Resident Experience Director, and Alpana Kapadia,
Behavioral Health Services Business Process Supervisor, on their new board positions with the
YES House.

The YES House is a private nonprofit that serves youth between the ages of 5-21 through a variety of services such as crisis shelter to residential treatment for emotional wellbeing to day treatment, independent and transitional living and foster care. The goal of the YES House is to empower youth and families to achieve lifelong success.
Congratulations Mary and Alpana. Thank you for all that you do for our community.

PFAC Presents at State Conference
Katie Percifield, Patient and Resident Experience, and CCH Volunteer Cody Friedlan,
First National Bank of Gillette, were invited to attend a Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC) panel discussion at the Wyoming Infection Prevention Conference in April. The discussion covered PFACs involvement in the quality improvement process—how to start one, what the benefits are, and the types of projects that we have worked on, among others. Thank you Katie and Cody for representing the PFAC at this event, and for what you do to enhance the patient care experience at CCH.
Gerontological Nursing Certifications
CCH is proud to announce that Elisha Keene, RN, and Jessi Hawkes, RN, both at Pioneer Manor, have achieved certification in Gerontological nursing. Jessi and Elisha are clinical supervisors at Pioneer Manor and are the first nurses to achieve this at Pioneer Manor. Their knowledge and commitment to excellence are an outstanding role model as they work with staff.

In order to be eligible to test for the Gerontological nursing certification, an individual must:
- hold a current active RN license in the state
- have practiced the equivalent of two years full-time as a registered nurse
- have a minimum of 2,000 hours of clinical practice in the specialty area of gerontological nursing within the last three years
- and have completed 30 hours of continuing education in gerontological nursing
Wonderful job, Elisha and Jessi! We’re proud to have you on our team.

Resident Assessment Coordinator Certification
CCH is proud to announce that Marcylene (Marcy) Otto, RN, recently completed all the requirements to earn her American Assessment of Nurse Associate Coordinator (AANAC) Resident Assessment Coordinator—Certified (RAC-CT®) certification. This achievement demonstrates Marcy’s competence and dedication to our long-term care patients and residents. The RAC-CT program consists of 10 courses for professionals with at least six months of experience in the long-term care field. Recertification is required every two years. Wonderful job Marcy! We’re grateful that you are part of the CCH Pioneer Manor team.

Kudos to Cindy VerBurg, Cardiac Rehab
Cindy VerBurg, RN, CCMH Cardiac Rehabilitation, recently received certification in Cardiac-Vascular nursing from the
American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC). The ANCC Cardiac-Vascular Nursing board certification examination is a competency based examination that provides a valid and reliable assessment of the entry-level clinical knowledge and skills of registered nurses in the cardiac-vascular specialty after initial RN licensure. Nurses who meet the requirements are awarded the credential Registered Nurse-Board Certified (RN-BC). In order to take the certification exam the applicant must:
- have practiced the equivalent of two years full-time as a registered nurse
- have a minimum of 2,000 hours of clinical practice in cardiac-vascular nursing within the last three years
- and have completed 30 hours of continuing education in cardiac-vascular nursing within the last three years.
The certification is valid for five years. Wonderful job, Cindy! We’re proud to have you on our team.
Don’t Miss...
Don’t forget to check out the employees and departments highlighted in our monthly Department Discovery and Provider of the Month, as well as the weekly Thanks for working here Thursday posts. You can read more at
Is there a CCH employee who went the extra mile or shows you extraordinary service? Give them a pat on the back by completing an Excellence Every Day card.