The Campbell County Young Entrepreneurs Academy, or YEA, sponsored by the
Campbell County Chamber of Commerce, encourages our young people from grades 6-12 to envision, plan, and in some cases execute a small business enterprise on their own. I had the privilege of speaking with them on Wednesday evening, and all I can say is holy cow, what great kids!
They have each created a business venture, and some of them have actually executed their idea. It was encouraging to me to see these outstanding Campbell County School District students so engaged in their projects and able to articulate their goals and ambitions.

Believe it or not, this is healthcare. When young people are engaged in pursuing their academic or business goals, and they demonstrate that passion and commitment, they are healthier and happier. Whether academics, sports, fine arts, or projects like YEA, we need our kids to know they can be successful by hard work and healthy habits.
And to those six young CCSD students I met last night, I can only say, pursue your passion and follow your dreams.