Campbell County Health says thank you to all of our Emergency Medical Professionals. The week of May 17-23 we’re celebrating National EMS Week, and celebrating our dedicated EMS professionals. Thank you for providing the best care for Campbell County Health patients in their time of greatest need. We appreciate our front-line of care and their commitment to ensuring that Campbell County Health continues to provide excellence, every day.

You may never give it a second thought but we’re here for you. When the unthinkable happens Emergency Medical Professionals are standing ready to swoop in and help you and your loved ones. Whether it’s a serious medical condition or accident, EMTs and Paramedics are quietly and heroically performing lifesaving tasks in our communities every day.
EMS Week 2015 will be celebrated this year from May 17-23. It is a national awareness week highlighting the vital services provided every day by the Emergency Medical Services professionals throughout every community in the United States. Here in Campbell County we are lucky to be served by dedicated EMTs and Paramedics who give of themselves in many capacities to ensure that our lives are protected.
Campbell County Health is the 911 ambulance provider for Campbell County, Wyoming, which includes Gillette and Wright. In addition, we provide ambulance standby services and non-emergency transportation for patients throughout the area. We would like to thank the citizens in our service area for all of the support that they have given us in the past and would like to take this opportunity to express our continued passion for health in our community. We pledge to continue providing the highest quality Emergency Medical Services and to continuously find new and innovative ways to improve our quality and service to you.
In order to do this we are calling on our citizens to support us by taking a few steps of their own. First, everyone should learn CPR. It is a simple and easy way to make a big impact in the lives of your neighbors and loved ones. With the odds of surviving sudden cardiac arrest decreasing roughly 10 percent per minute without adequate CPR and defibrillation, good early CPR saves lives. If everyone knew this lifesaving skill just think of what we could do and who we could save.
Second, everyone should learn the warning signs for heart attack and stroke. Studies have shown that 60 percent of people call a friend or family member when they realize that they may be having a serious medical problem. You should know that approximately 1 percent of cardiac tissue dies per minute in an untreated heart attack. Paramedic ambulances provide lifesaving medications that can stop or slow down this damage and we can be at your side within minutes of a call to 911. Our transport to the
Cardiac Cath Lab with treatment on the way is not only life-saving, it also can greatly improve your quality of life after the attack.
Again, thank you for your support. We encourage the public to say hello to our EMTs and Paramedics as they see them around town. Please also visit our website and Facebook accounts.
Campbell County Health EMS