This week is National CRNA Week, and Campbell County Health would like
to say thank you to all the CRNAs who practice in our community and continue
to provide Excellence Every Day.
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) are advanced practice registered
nurses who administer approximately 40 million anesthetics to patients
in the United States each year. CRNAs are the primary providers of anesthesia
care in rural America, enabling healthcare facilities in medically underserved
areas to offer obstetrical, surgical, and trauma stabilization services.
When anesthesia is administered by a nurse anesthetist, it is recognized
as the practice of nursing; when administered by an anesthesiologist,
it is recognized as the practice of medicine. CRNAs and anesthesiologists
work together as a team at CCH to provide exceptional patient care in
Campbell County Memorial Hospital's
Surgical Services department and at the
Powder River Surgery Center.
Pictured top row, L to R:
Bottom row, L to R:
Not pictured:
Thank you to all of our dedicated nurse anesthetists! You can learn more
about these providers at