The last two days, Campbell County Health has been pleasantly surprised
with gifts for the Campbell County Memorial Hospital
Maternal Child department from people in our community.
First, Gloria Blohm, mother to
Delora Schmidt, CCMH House Supervisor, created these lovely Angel Dresses for families
who experience the unthinkable—the loss of an infant at birth. Gloria
took pieces from donated wedding dresses to make special outfits for these
infants to help provide comfort and support to patients at a very difficult time.

Then, Kellie Conroy swung by to drop off some infant beanies she purchased
at Wal-Mart to the department to give away to patients during the colder months.
Finally, today, some hand crocheted octopus shaped soothers were delivered
to the unit courtesy of Phyllis Jassek and several other volunteers in
our community. Sam Schell, RN, who works on the Maternal Child unit, had
learned about these soothers via the
Octopus for a Preemie Project, which helps ease discomfort of premature infants. The crocheted octopus
shaped soother is about the size of a large pear and the tentacles emulate
the umbilical cord. It is very common for preemies to have tubes and other
things attached to them that become irritating. The octopus tentacle is
placed in the infant's hands and has proven to sooth and comfort the baby.
“The nurses really like using the octopus on our tiny patients because
it keeps the tubes from being pulled out," says Sam.
Sam initially reached out to the Project to get on a list for donations;
however, she learned that the demand was quite high—especially in
larger areas. So, she recruited local volunteers to help create the same soother.
Phyllis spends about two hours on each octopus and has received cotton
thread and Poly Fill donations to keep up with the demand. There are specific
colors and materials that need to be used for the octopus to be safe for
the infant.

Thanks to everyone in the Campbell County, Wyoming community for their
generosity the last two days.
Due to infection prevention standards, CCH can only accept brand new items—we
may not accept gently used plush toys, clothing or blankets; used books
are taken on a case-by-case basis. Items must also come from a smoke free
establishment. If you wish to donate items to Campbell County Health,
please contact Community Relations at 307.688.1580.