The Sleep Clinic has moved back into the hospital after six months of “camping” in their temporary home at the former Stocktrail Apartments. The arrival of Pulmonologist
Dr. Peter Fort, Campbell County Clinics—Pulmonary & Sleep Medicine, in 2011 significantly increased the number of sleep studies ordered, and appointments had been booked out three-four months for well over a year. The decision was made to increase the number of sleep study rooms from two to four, and the equipment was upgraded as part of the expansion and renovation.
According to Sleep Clinic Coordinator Dessie Hoxie, the new Nihon Kohden equipment produces a higher quality EEG (image of brain waves) and enables the physician and technician greater flexibility in treating the patient’s sleep disorder.
Each room is decorated like a luxury hotel suite, and the atmosphere promotes a healthy sleep environment for the sleep study. Cameras and microphones in each room are monitored in central control room, and each study is evaluated by Dr. Fort, Medical Director of the Sleep Clinic.
Dessie hopes to finalize the paperwork to apply for designation as a Sleep Center within the next year. This accreditation would enhance the program’s reputation for quality care. She has worked in the Sleep Clinic for nine years and is a Registered Polysomnographic Technologist (RPSGT) as well as a Registered Respiratory Therapist (RRT).
“I like that we can see instant results,” said Dessie. “Sometimes it takes a long time to see results in healthcare, and it’s very gratifying to hear a patient say that this was the best they’ve slept in 10 years.”
An open house for the Sleep Clinic will be held in conjunction with the quarterly Sleep Disorders Support Group meeting, scheduled for Tuesday, June 4 at 6 pm in the Sleep Clinic.